Silke Felten

I am a freelance translator, proofreader and editor holding a master's degree in Translation Studies from Saarland University with emphasis on English, Spanish and technical translation (engineering sciences and IT) . I am currently doing a PhD (doctoral studies) at the Department of Romance Translation Studies at Saarland University.

I am a lover of cats and dogs and a convinced Vegetarian. I am keen on nature, travelling, food, culture and indigenous populations and have a strong interest in Great Britain, Spain and Latin America.

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Mein Geburtstag

The Bridge  20 August 2015

Die syrische Aktivistin Marcell Shehwaro gewährt uns am Tag ihres Geburtstags einen Einblick in das Trauma und das Leid, dass sie während des andauernden bewaffneten Konflikts in Syrien erlitten hat.