· Juni, 2011

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Artikel über Spanisch vom Juni, 2011

Chile: Wie viele demonstrierten gegen Hidroaysén Hydroelectric Station und wieso?

  21 Juni 2011

Last Saturday, May 28, a new massive protest took into effect against the Hidroaysén hydroelectric project, that unlike other marches, had a festive and familiar atmosphere. What is it that brought so many people to the streets for so many days? And why has Hidroaysén caused such an uproar in all spheres, including social networks? Last Saturday, May 28, a new massive protest took into effect against the Hidroaysén hydroelectric project, that unlike other marches, had a festive and familiar atmosphere. What is it that brought so many people to the streets for so many days? And why has Hidroaysén caused such an uproar in all spheres, including social networks?

Mexiko einig in Ablehnung der Fernsehserie „The Team“

  2 Juni 2011

Blogueros mexicanos coinciden en sus comentarios de desaprobación a la serie televisiva “El Equipo” que pretendió glorificar a la Policía Federal. La serie saldrá del aire el 27 de mayo de 2011, ante señalamientos que su transmisión molestó no sólo a la audiencia, sino a los altos mandos del ejército.

Über unsere Spanisch-Berichterstattung
